Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So, Matt had just left for work last night (he's been doing trauma night shift for 2 weeks) and my piano lessons had just arrived, but this moment was too good to not get on video. A lot of you mom's of toddlers and older children have probably seen this phenomenon before - cracks me up! I'll let the video explain.


Jessica said...

That was AWESOME!!! he's really trying to get all cozy in his wood chair! soo great!!!

Rachel said...

That is great!!! Just goes to show that kids really can sleep anywhere.

Becca said...

AWESOME that you caught that on video. Poor kid, he just wants to sleep

Becky said...

I love this! I tell you that kids is his father's son.

Hey do you know what you're having yet?

April said...

How do they do it? Amazing.

Lynn said...

that is cute. smart mom for capturing it for posterity - and for our enjoyment.

jbel said...

sleepy boy ... i love it when they do things like that!

The Kids