Saturday, January 17, 2009

I wana snuggel wuggel! - a post by maya

I feel like snuggeling! This morning I pretended to be ina warm club. I put a pillow and a big blanket next to the coutch. An then I made Luke lay down on the pillow. Then I wrapped him nise and warm! That was f-u-n! While I did that we watched The Jerney To The Center Of The Earth! That was new. miss ya kiss ya buy!!!



jbel said...

little miss Mya- you are becoming quite the journalist. love your farewell line!

Jessica said...

Maya, you are wonderful and smart and kind and funny-the BEST niece an Aunt could have! you make me smile sweetie!-love ya kiss ya! hee hee
a fricka-fricka-fresh!

Unknown said...

Maya, how is it that im like 5 times your age and you can write better sentences than me? CRAZY! I like to snuggle to! I hope your having as much fun as you can! Love ya! -Uncle Adam

The Kids